Accelerating Impact Though


Welcome to REIMPOWER Consultancy! In the vibrant humanitarian and development landscape, we're your real-time consultancy support. With evidence-driven decisions, we accelerate progress for impactful interventions. Our team of experts is committed to delivering high-quality services for lasting change. Connect with us for innovative solutions.


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Third-Party Monitoring

Given the challenging operating environment in Somalia and Somaliland, Reimpower leverages our local presence to provide third-party monitoring services. We collect and share up-to-date program data, enabling our clients to make timely, evidencebased decisions regarding their ongoing initiatives

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessments

We identify environmental and social risks, and develop mitigation strategies for development projects across sectors.

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Baseline Surveys and Impact Evaluations

We establish robust pre-project baselines through high-quality data collection. This allows us to accurately measure progress and long-term impact of our clients' interventions

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Organizational Capacity Assessments

We diagnose skills and system gaps using specialized tools, informing the design of customized capacity building initiatives.

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Midline and End-line Evaluations

As programs advance, we conduct thorough midline and end-of-project evaluations to generate evidence on outcomes, capture lessons learned, and inform future programming

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Special Studies and Research

Reimpower carries out contextual research and focused assessments to ensure our clients' decisions are grounded in empirical field-level data.

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Organizational Capacity and Trainings and Development

We design and deliver customized capacity building initiatives to address the specific needs of our clients' teams and systems.

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Translation and Proofreading

In addition to our core technical services, Reimpower provides professional translation and proofreading support across a range of languages.


Please feel free to reach us for more information


1. Taleex Street,Mogadishu

2. Aligobonimo Building, Hargeisa

Call Us

+25263 522386